Startup influencer is a blog featuring stories about American entrepreneurs. We cover struggles about fundraising, to problems making payroll, all the way to surprisingly lucky wins that resulted in a huge spike in monthly sales.
It is funded by a community of bootstrapped entrepreneurs hungry to learn from all kinds of other entrepreneurs, like online entrepreneurs, funded startups, entrepreneurs turned angel investors, and more. If one of our stories helped your journey please reach out so we can learn about you.
Startup influencer is an online company dedicated to helping founder launch their startup. With a focus on blockchain, crypto, shared economy income, and side hustle immediate income strategies, founders come to us to learn the best route to set up their launching pad before they quit their 9-5 job.
If you think you are worthy of being covered and have a surprising struggle turned success that others could relate to please contact us to start a conversation with us. As of now, we are able to respond to all inquiries, although we are quite selective with what ends up on the blog page where most of our website visitors find this site :)